Do you need to bend square aluminum tube, take a pipe bender and slip a
square aluminum tube inside the bender and place a wooden dowel between the
bender and the tube and bend slowly, you can bend up to a 90 degrees.
Ship box: You can make the ship box below and use it in the pits for
shelving. The shelves are used for the skids under the box. You need one 4x8x1/2
plywood four 1x12x8 boards and six 1x6x8 boards. If you need it a little taller
you can add 1x8 between the halves. On the sides you will need 3/4 slots for the
shelves to slip into. Use screws to assemble it and at the end of the season you
can totally break it down for space.

New design for our ship box, the left unit will flip over and attach to the
second one. We will use cloth on bungee cord for the doors. The counter top and
shelves you can remove for shipment.

Folding Lego table, We drilled 7/8 holes in six locations to insert 3/4 EMT
pipe for legs with rubber feet. This is a bottom view, with underlayment
for the base with 3/4 boards running across for support. We install wheels on
the edge so it is easy to move when folded.

Click image below for a better view of the table
