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6/14/2014: Built the prototype roller bearings and larger axle for the FTC team, it rolls much better.

6/14/2014: We cleaned US 23 HWY today, thanks to those who helped.

4/1/2014: We has a GRAYT season this year and came close to making it to state. We are proud of our students for what the have acompliched.

2/28/2014: Robot bagged

2/9/2014: End of week five and we have finished our prototype robot and nearly finished our competition robot. Testing our shooter distance was successful and we are moving forward.

1-19-2014: After learning of the new seasons game we used the prototype base to develop our new robot design. After two weeks we have GRAYT design down and now we can start building our competition robot.

9-22-2013: Our prototype drive did well at the Kettering Kickoff competition.

6-7-2013: our new prototype drive base is assembled.

6-6-2013: We built our prototype victor plug in, and they work good.

4-19-2013:The team did well at our three events we attended, but did not qualify for the State Championship.

3-01-2013:Our Driver system

2-28-2013: We passed inspection at Ketttering today.


!!!              OLD NEWS           !!!
12-29-14: The Lightning Boltz made it all the way to state along with there new sister team the Thunder Botz. After doing very well they are also going to the nationals in Iowa. Good Luck

12-24-2013: The Lightning Boltz did it again this year winning the Inspire Award and helping the Goodrich Matians win First place on the field at the Hartland competition.

12-20-2012: The Lb's (Lightning Boltz) did GRAYT at the State Competition in Canton Michigan. They won the Connect award and came in second with the Inspire award. They also came in second place with the robot and was named the Finalists.

12-19-2012:Our FTC team the Lightning Boltz has done wonders at the district competition in Hartland Michigan. They won the highest award the Inspire award. They were also the winners of the robotics competition with the help from 5290 The Steel Eagles of Hartland. The robot was amazing.

07-07-2012: Welcome to our new team the Lightning Boltz. We have moved our Lego team into FTC and with some discussion they came up with the name The Lightning Boltz.

07-07-2012: Our award winning Lego team the White wolves has closed down. We will miss the great program and hope that all the former students enjoyed themselves. We are available to help other teams by answering questions about FLL.
The Einstein report is in and they are working on the issues.

Working on updating the website. Its a long and slow process














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Last updated: 06/26/15.