6/14/2014: Built the prototype roller bearings
and larger axle for the FTC team, it rolls much better.

6/14/2014: We cleaned US 23 HWY today, thanks
to those who helped.
4/1/2014: We has a GRAYT season this year and
came close to making it to state. We are proud of our students for what the have
2/28/2014: Robot bagged

2/9/2014: End of week five and we have
finished our prototype robot and nearly finished our competition robot. Testing
our shooter distance was successful and we are moving forward.

1-19-2014: After learning of the new seasons
game we used the prototype base to develop our new robot design. After two
weeks we have GRAYT design down and now we can start building our competition

9-22-2013: Our prototype drive did well at the
Kettering Kickoff competition.
6-7-2013: our new prototype drive base is

6-6-2013: We built our prototype victor plug
in, and they work good.

4-19-2013:The team did well at our three
events we attended, but did not qualify for the State Championship.
3-01-2013:Our Driver system

2-28-2013: We passed inspection at Ketttering
