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Our team helps out with our community when ever possible like cleaning the expressway.

We join in the community activities by putting robot demonstrations at events like Taste in Fenton.

We have helped raise money for hurricane Katrina, Feed the hungry in Flint and gave a tour of our area to an Israeli robotics team.


Through an organization called MMRA we have robotics demonstrations and also help put on robotics competitions.


Our team has help start many local team and assisted them when ever we can. We provide technical assistance and also loan out parts if needed.




Our Community

Our community is located in Michigan just south of Flint. We are located

in the Fenton school district but are not directly connected with the school

which allows us to accept students from around the community including home school students.

our area has many lakes, parks and beaches and have a small town feel that makes our team

 feel like a family. With many small town events going on it allows us to give

robot demonstrations to the community and forward the cause of FIRST.















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Copyright 2007
Last updated: 06/26/15.