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Old Team News

8-12-2012: Our team along with the Linden team attended the Taste of Fenton. We displayed our robot and did some demonstrations with it as well. We talked to many people about our team and FIRST. We also recruited some new students and invited many interested people to the Kettering Kickoff on September 22nd. 

04-01-2012: We did well at Northville District competition.  We one many games but could not get enough co-opertiton points to be rank in the top 8. We were selected by the 8th ranked team and worked hard for them but could not over come the 1st ranked team. With that loss we were unable to proceed to the state competition.

03-03-2012: What a week end. We did well at the Kettering District competition by ranking 12th out of 39 teams. This allowed us to be the 8th seed team which put us against the 1st seed team. First game we tied but lost because we did not score enough in the autonomous round. The second game we lost by 1 inch. If we would have backed our robot up by one inch after balancing three robots on the bridge our robot would not have rolled forward and putting us out of balance. We are sure that if we could have held balance for this round we could have done it the next round which would make us beat the number 1 seed team. Just so close.  

02-25-2012: Week six is looking GRAYT. We used our fix-it window today and the robot is doing what we expected.

05-12-2010: Rebuild of the robot is almost complete. The new kicker and rewiring is near completion. The wench is mounted and all that is left is the hook arm and rebuild the drives.

03-25-2010: Here is a video of our almost double hang at Kettering District Event http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-kHzojAm7A

03-19,20-2010: Western Michigan District Event was great. We won the Excellence in Engineering Award and also made it to the play off round. The robot worked wonderful and the kids did a great job. Everybody was very interested in our drive design and asked many questions. If we can shave some weight off of it it would be worth doing again. We are waiting to see if we have made it to state, lets hope.

03-18-2010: We had an article in the Times

03-14-2010: We made the front page of the Fenton Press

03-09-10: Hey!! if we do well in Grand Rapids We get to go to state. Read this e-mail we received from David Verbrugge or GM representative:

Greetings Team 1322,

Congratulations on a great competition this past weekend, a great looking robot and on winning the Delphi Excellence in Engineering Award Saturday.  I currently have the trophy you presented to me as a representative of General Motors sitting on my desk between my Team 67 2009 Atlanta Championship medal and the 2010 Kettering Champion medal 67 won Saturday.  That is simply to say - I consider the trophy a very special item and deserving a very special place.

I wanted to thank you for it and confirm something I said to Kim and the young lady (forgive me for not now recalling your name) who presented me the trophy Saturday night.  If 1322, the G.R.A.Y.T. Leviathons qualify for the State Championship, we - General Motors - will pay for your registration fee.  Keep up the good work and good luck at Grand Valley.  I hope to see you at Eastern in four weeks.


03-06-10: Second day at Kettering District Event. Another great day. The robot worked great, good thing, not much time between some matches to repair. Our ranking dropped but we were selected to go into the finals. Ryan did a great job driving, keeping Swartz Creek at bay was a tough job. With two ties the other teams finally beat us but they were close ones.

       It was great to win the Excellence in Engineering Award for our six wheel omni direction suspension. After two years of development  it was a great pay off. Now onto the next design Idea that we will keep secret for now.

03-05-10: First day at Kettering District Event. It was a great day. The robot worked great and the kids did a great job driving. Finished first day in eighth place.

02-23-10: Ship week, we are bagged and tagged.

02-20-10: Week 6, WOW... the robot works great. Jumps over the bump with no problem and the winch works great. YouTube video going over the ramp  and hanging from the rack

02-14-10: Week 5 for the robot build season. All is moving along fine. We tested our robot at the Enginerds facility on Saturday and found some items we need to modify to make the robot more effective. We are surprised that the robot does not climb the bump easy. With a run it will do it. Our winch works great and our ball kicker is doing its job well.

02-11-10: The local news paper featured an article on our team.


02-6-10: Robot and team after week four are doing great. Even with a lost day this week we are near where we want to be. Need to tweak the lift hook connection, connect the main breaker and it is ready for power. Our team is the most capable group we have had yet. All members are always busy machining and building on the robot. Other teams would be envious if they could see it.


01-31-10: Robot after week three is progressing as planned. Almost all mechanical items are installed. We need to install the hook, grab bars for other robot and tweak tower pole guides. The kicker has given us trouble but has been resolved. The air is not exhausting fast enough to allow it to kick to it's full potential. With a quick release added we can extend the springs and latch it than reverse the 2 in pneumatic, when released it will kick to maximum. Using different valves we can control the exhaust and also control the speed of the kick for different distances.

01-25-10: Robot after week two, the build is going good and the team is doing a great job.

01-15-10: Robot after week one

01-16-10: Our trip to Baker was very informative. Our robot design was a big hit.

Worked on the robot kicker and kicked the ball 40ft. Gear boxes are together, we can start assembly of the drive system this week.

01-14-10: The build is progressing great.










01-10-10: Success going up the ramp with the test robot

      You Tube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQMcw4QNCLI

01-09-10: Great new game this year.  A version of soccer played with robots.

Real old news















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Last updated: 06/26/15.