We are collecting VG'S receipts for our FTC
team, contact us and we will pick them up.
We are selling energy saving LED light bulbs for $15.00
each. The proceeds go toward funding of the high school robotics
team. Funds will help purchase tools, parts, entry fees and other important
items needed to further the needs of the team to help educate students about
science and technology.
Our high school robotics team is based in Fenton Michigan. We
help students learn about science and technology through building a 150 pound
competition robot that plays a skills game against teams from around the state.
Some of these teams are sponsored by GM, Ford, Chrysler, Delphi, ITT Technical
Institute, Magna Automotive and many more. We receive our entry fee from General
Motors but that does not cover the costs of parts, tool, food and lodging at the
competitions so we need your help.
To order the energy saving light bulbs contact Kim Weber
810-629-7034 ext. 11 or

We have held car washes to raise money.
We have held penny hockey tournaments